False-Flag News
1) 9/11 Truther at MVP press conference
2) Super Bowl champs’ coach 9/11 truther?
3) CIA Agent reports US and Israel created al Qaeda
4) Death sentence to silence Dzhokhar Tsamaev?
5) Congress approves more state-sponsored terrorism against Syria
6) Karzai has secret contacts with Taliban
Snowden & Cyber-Tyranny
7) Snowden talks, US suppresses
8) GCHQ secret unit uses DDOS attack tactics against Anonymous – Snowden leak
9) Clapper calls for Snowden “and accomplices” to return documents
10) New York attempts to ban academic boycotts
11) Has AIPAC’s clout been diminished?
12) Congress approves more state-sponsored terrorism against Syria
13) Is Syrian peace conference laying the foundation for war?
15) Ukraine drawing the world’s attention
16) Neo-cons eye Ukraine as potential prize
17) 50 reasons to fear the worst from Fukushima
18) Fukushima contamination, including Tokyo’s water supply